Choose between our 3 Different Family Favorites!
Choose a Dinner and Feed 2 for $22
Choose a Dinner and Feed 4 for $44!
Fried Chicken Dinner
Feed 2 for $22
4 Piece – 1 Breast, 1 Wing, 1 Thigh, 1 Leg
Pint of Coleslaw
Pine of Macaroni & Cheese
2 Biscuits
4 Piece – 1 Breast, 1 Wing, 1 Thigh, 1 Leg
Pint of Coleslaw
Pine of Macaroni & Cheese
2 Biscuits
Feed 4 for $44
8 Piece – 2 Breasts, 2 Wings, 2 Thights, 2 Legs
Quart of Coleslaw
Quart of Macaroni & Cheese
4 Biscuits